Student shortlisted for scholarship

Currently pursuing his master’s degree at GISMA Business School, Rodrigo Catão is taking part in a competition to win one of the Mawista scholarships offered to the several student parents who are studying abroad.
Studying in a foreign country with a child is not an easy task. With this in mind, the scholarship aims to promote and award those students who wish to further their education while having a child at their side. Numerous applications have already been received for this year’s scholarship programme “ Study Abroad with a Child” and a jury will soon make a final decision.
Rodrigo said: “I am 32 years old and came to Germany with my wife and my little daughter Maria Antonia. It has been a huge cultural shock for them but adaptation will come as long as we make an effort to integrate the German culture.”
GISMA is devoted to diversifying its student body and welcomes mature students with dependents. Rodrigo is studying Grenoble Ecole de Management’s Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship MSc at our Berlin campus and making the most of the start-up technology scene in the city.
The voting is open and will last until 15 February. To learn more about the scholarship and vote for Rodrigo, click here.