Gisma at the German Embassy in Moscow

Gisma - Business School

Anastasia Rykova, International Student Recruitment Manager for Russia & CIS, and Maria Vaskova, Career Services Manager, represented GISMA at the German Embassy in Moscow. During the fair, GISMA successfully ran its Innovation Labs for children, where participants had the chance to act like big inventors.

GISMA was the only tuition provider at the event, which gave the school a chance to be invited to become a member of the German-Russian Chamber of Commerce. With the help of the Chamber of Commerce, GISMA is looking forward to expanding its presence in the Russian market and becoming a chosen tuition provider for its young business leaders.


Anastasia Rykova, International Student Recruitment Manager, comments on the event “The fact that GISMA was the only business school invited to attend a closed event at the Germany Embassy in Moscow is a big honour, and from our side, we will endeavour to become a trusted partner and a member of the Chamber by offering invaluable advice, support and business education where needed.”


Why are these events important to attend you ask?


This was a strategically important event which helped us to familiarise local embassy & consulate with GISMA brand, tell them more about our ideology, goals and plans on expanding to Russian Market. Russia and Germany have strong cultural and historical tights, which helps the student exchange between these two countries.


Does GISMA have further plans for upcoming events in the near future?


With the help of Russian-German Chamber of Commerce, which runs more than 200 business events a year, GISMA has been invited to attend the Key events for young business leaders to offer our triple-accredited Master and  MBA degrees.

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