Our team - Gisma

Our team


Klaus G. Kammermeier creates and conducts immersive, collaborative learning and innovation experiences in the form of workshops, learnshops, and online courses. He teaches international students, innovators, and business leaders in the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship, marketing, and leadership.

He has extensive experience in technical-commercial leadership roles in global corporations, in consulting startups and globally recognised brands to achieve sustainable innovation leadership, and in education with Technical University Berlin and a number of competitive international business schools. 

Klaus studied Engineering, Economics, and Management at Munich University of Applied Sciences and completed executive education programs at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire and Columbia University Business School, New York City, USA. He created new formats of working together, one of which is NanoLabs®. He lived for 10 years in the UK and the United States and resides in Berlin, Germany now.